There is only one flag in Jack Spencer’s photographic portrait of America. It withers under time and the elements, a symbol of bitterness instead of pride. It is at Wounded Knee, the site of the bloody oppression of the Lakota Native Americans over a century ago.
The flag is a reflection of Spencer’s inner state as he started photographing in 2003 for what would become his book, “This Land” (University of Texas Press, 2017). The images started out dark — a reaction to jingoism that saturated the country after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and before the Iraq War.
At 516 Hagan Street, Zeitgeist Gallery and Fashion Happening Nashville present “Wearable Surfaces,” an exhibition of collaborations between local fashion designers and artists. A special ticketed preview reception will be held on Thursday, August 4 to benefit The Sewing Training Academy. Next door, David Lusk Gallery hosts the opening reception for “The Retirement Party,” Tyler Hildebrand’s third solo show at the gallery. Hildebrand’s colorful, cartoonish multimedia paintings explore the ugly side of contemporary American culture.
Confession time: Isn’t it true that when people look at exhibitions, particularly accumulations of precious objects, they mentally tally the pieces they would like to steal? Of course it’s true. I do it and so do you. Only theoretically, though. We would never actually purloin anything from a museum. We’re not even supposed to touch the objects and artworks.
The Retirement Party, showing at David Lusk Gallery, is a compilation of work completed over the last two years. I started the work while living in Nashville, continued it during a yearlong residency in Baltimore, and finished it after moving back to my hometown of Cincinnati.
Nashville may be known for its music scene, but it's also home to creatives making the city a destination for design, food, art and fashion.
When Benjamin Goldberg was just a 23-year-old college graduate trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life, he and a friend decided to open a bar in an abandoned warehouse in The Gulch.
The plan didn’t make much sense: The area, in southwest Nashville, was off the radar, and Goldberg had little business or culinary acumen. The space, though, epitomized where he wanted to hang out. “It was a snapshot of my life at that time,” says Goldberg, now 38. “And somehow the people in Nashville understood it and came out.”
Kit Reuther is a self-taught painter and sculptor who was 7 or 8 when she took her first art classes in the magical backyard of beloved Nashville art teacher Chris Tibbott. She studied studio design at O‘More College and gradually evolved into making art her full-time career. She laughingly says, “I just slowly tricked myself into letting go of the regular paycheck and ended up in a completely risky but gratifying career.”
Artist Emily Leonard finds inspiration all around her, from “light coming through a window, the way a doe ambles in a wood, the flutter of petals [and] the coo of an owl.” Her idyllic studio — a transformed Quonset hut sitting on 2 quiet acres in East Nashville, down a path from her mid-century home — provides the perfect environment for finding all kinds of motivation. There is a serenity and calm in the studio, and to Emily, that is reflected in her paintings.
TUPELO – A new exhibit at the GumTree Museum of Art is turning heads.
Artist Greely Myatt, originally of Amory, has been teaching art since 1980 and is the current head of the art department at University of Memphis. His works, built from everyday household items, are the subject of the museum’s latest exhibit.
When Andy Warhol reproduced a grainy photograph of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in a series of seven colored canvases in 1963, it was considered radical. But it opened the door for an examination of the relationship between high art and consumer culture, and called into question what was really important about paintings: the process of their creation or the end result. Warhol’s hybrids of the sacred and the profane might be the furthest thing from your mind when you see two recent paintings by Nashville-based artist Rocky Horton that are currently on view at David Lusk Gallery, but the artist’s focus on process continues the conversation that Warhol started, even as he reverses it.
I won’t pretend to be able to parse every line and image of the paintings in Tyler Hildebrand’s current exhibition, “The Retirement Party,” but I will testify to their effectiveness as a delivery system for a full complement of paranoia, dread and existential crisis. The work will be on display at David Lusk Gallery in Memphis through July 29 and at David Lusk Gallery Nashville Aug. 1-26.