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2018 southXeast: Contemporary Southeastern Art

The 2018 edition of southXeast: contemporary southeastern art is the fifth edition of the only regularly occurring curated exhibition in Florida that presents a selection of innovative art made by artists living in the southeast. Devoid of thematic ballast, the exhibition has the simple aim that our students and other audiences might benefit by seeing high quality artwork not commonly or ever seen in South Florida and/or Miami, a growing international center of contemporary art activity. The exhibition also seeks to present a diversity of approaches to contemporary art making while also representing specific studio art disciplines that are taught in FAU’s Department of Visual Arts and Art History.    

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Carlyle Wolfe 8648C

Local Oxford artist Carlyle Wolfe has a unique studio located on Highway 30

As each season passes, and leaves fall from the trees and bloom again during spring, artist Carlyle Wolfe is there to witness it all firsthand.

Wolfe’s art studio and home on Highway 30 has a direct link to the main subject of her work: nature. From her studio window, she can see the flora around her rural Oxford home. Many of Wolfe’s meticulous paintings and installations reflect these seasonal changes and emulate the beauty in her surroundings.

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Printmaker Bryce McCloud hand picks Nashville artists to tell the city’s history at the newly renovated Noelle

With 224 rooms, Noelle—formerly known as Noel Place—reimagines a historic hotel built in 1930. As one of Nashville’s first luxury hotels opened by the prominent Noel family, Noel Place was the most modern space at the time, gracing the city with beautiful Art Deco design. As Nashville evolved, the hotel transitioned away from its original purpose, but its strong architectural bones created a unique opportunity 78 years later for MAKEREADY to step in.

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Venturing into Thin Air

Photography has always been Kathy Root’s first love. Ten years ago, she opened KMR Arts Gallery in Washington Depot and she has been mounting cutting-edge exhibits ever since. Whether it is the work of old masters such as Lillian Bassman, Leo Fuchs and Paul Caponigro, or new photographers at the beginning of their careers, Root’s presentations are not to be missed. Her latest exhibition features the work of Catherine Erb and it has a special meaning for Root.

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The New Southern | Artist Spotlight: Catherine Erb

We find peace and stillness in the clouds, this is where we dream and this is where we take flight... and it was within her cloud series I was originally introduced to the talented mixed media fine-art photographer Catherine Erb, who seeks beauty, inspiration, and identity in changing perspectives, shifting landscapes, flashes of moments in time that allow her and her work’s admirers to break away from it all. Every piece of Catherine’s art illustrates a moment of reflection, creating a sense of hope and self-discovery, while capturing the essence of being present in the moment - a gentle reminder in the midst of our busy lives.

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Rachel Gray August 2017 34

Take a Look Inside the Rhodes College President’s Home

In July of this year, Dr. Marjorie Hass began her job as the 20th president of Rhodes College. Coming from being the president of Austin College in Texas, Marjorie knew that creating a livable, comfortable home that would represent her new era as Rhodes College’s president would be an essential part of her transition to Memphis. And interior designer and Memphian Rachel Gray of Rachel Gray Interior Design & Consulting helped make this transition a seamless one for Marjorie and her family.

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Davidluskgallery Churchacrossfieldofcottonpickinsvillealabama 1981 C Print 9X13

PULSE Miami Beach Announces Prize Contenders and Visual Conversations

PULSE Miami Beach 2017 has announced its artist selections for the PULSE PRIZE competition as well as the list of exhibiting artists who will be presented in the CONVERSATIONS Sections of the fair's South Tent. There are 16 artists who are contenders for the PULSE PRIZE and will present their art in the SOLO Section of the art fair, held during Miami Art Week in December. The PULSE PRIZE is a jury-awarded cash grant given directly to a chosen artist during PULSE Miami Beach. 

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As Orange Cloud

Anne Siems: Awakening the Spirit

Anne Siems considers herself a conduit of visual communication, as she says, “a visceral prophet.” She transmits inner and outer worlds as figurative artworks filled with feeling and intrigue. External factors such as her role in her family, her health, social political upheavals, the environment, spiritual practices, and technology affect her artworks unconsciously as she focuses her attention on making compositions that resonate on their own. She explains, “I like my work to be a mystery and that it expresses itself through discernment. It’s obscure, and I don’t really work from my brain, which allows me to make a bigger statement. I want it to really meet all of us at a level where we aren’t analyzing it. Where we are just letting it penetrate us.”

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